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Wingwave® & Life Coaching

Deborah Clarke Wingwave TherapyWhether you want to change your relationship with money, food or exercise, deal with crippling anxiety or panic attacks, or improve your work or sports performance, personalised, one-on-one coaching can work transformative results in just a few sessions.

I am an experienced accredited coach, skilled in asking the right questions to facilitate life-changing conversations as you confront and explore your personal challenges or anxieties.

I am one of the small number of coaches who have trained in the powerful Wingwave® coaching technique. Wingwave® is a rapid, scientifically-proven coaching method developed in Germany, that enables you to get past the things that are stopping you in life – phobias, anxiety, emotional battles or limiting mind blocks – by shifting stuck emotions or unpleasant memories that are acting like a scratch on a CD, preventing your brain from playing properly.

A cutting-edge concept combining the techniques of neuro-lingusitic programming, myostatic muscle testing, bilateral hemisphere stimulation and interactive rapid eye movement. Wingwave® is gentle, fast and effective, and can help with all manner of subconscious issues; from fear of flying to low self-esteem, challenges in your career or relationship, or life-long damaging habits. It continues to amaze those who experience it.

Coaching can be done either in person or online to fit around you; helping you break through those blocks that have been holding you back, and give you practical tools to deal with everyday life and reach your goals.

“I had an emotional relationship with food; now I can really nurture myself”

“I can honestly say that wingwave® has had a significant impact on my effectiveness at work and my satisfaction with life in general.”

“I have gained an ability to focus more positively and build on my strengths with honest and productive self-criticism”

Find out more about how Wingwave® works.

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