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About me

I set up Life Therapy Coaching because I love working with people. I love helping them dig down through their layers to find what needs resolving; freeing them from their past or their limiting beliefs.

With a background as an actor and theatre director and an arts and education development practitioner, I have always found fulfilment in helping people build confidence, creativity and enjoyment.

I have also undergone my own inner journey battling anxiety and the feeling that I was not quite good enough. I found that seeking help has brought real relief and freedom: I know from experience the difference it makes having someone listen, support, challenge and accompany you as you confront your fears and piece together the real you. We can’t stop life presenting us with challenges and struggles, but therapy can help us remain stable, resilient and confident, and I feel passionate about helping people grow in this way.

Eighteen years ago, I discovered coaching as the perfect way to combine my love of helping others with the experiences I’d had on my own internal journey.

I am now an accredited Pesso Boyden therapist and Wingwave® practitioner, a qualified counsellor and Coach-U graduate. I’m continually expanding my own knowledge of coaching and therapy: I love learning anything that makes me better at my job, helping me to achieve more effective and long-lasting results.

I don’t expect people to know beforehand what they need; most just know that they want some help to feel ‘different’ about themselves.  I know working in a supportive, non-judgmental environment for people is the best way for them to confront and explore challenges, address issues, examine what they want and consider the best way to achieve it.

I’d love to chat to you about any struggles, blocks or issues you are facing, and see how I could help.

Something always magical happens whenever I come to these workshops.

A weight has been lifted. I can breath properly after the structure.

“I had an emotional relationship with food; now I can really nurture myself”

“I can honestly say that wingwave® has had a significant impact on my effectiveness at work and my satisfaction with life in general.”

“I have gained an ability to focus more positively and build on my strengths with honest and productive self-criticism”

“your sessions have helped me, and I have changed my life since them.”

“One of the most effective therapies I have ever experienced”

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